Wednesday, January 22


Confidence in Sex requires a lot of reading. Like these:

Some contents of this site were inspired by some of these:

  • Committee for Children– offers research-based child protection, bully prevention and social-emotional learning programs
  • Advocates for Youth– sex education resources and youth advocacy
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Sexual Health– sexual health and disease prevention information and resources
  • American Sexual Health Association– leading organization promoting the sexual health of individuals, families and communities through research, resources and advocacy
  • KidsHealth– health information and resources, including sexual health, for parents and children
  • Girlology/Guyology– medically based programming  that specializes in puberty, emerging sexuality, and adolescent health
  •– offers animated videos and digital content for parents and children on sexual topics in a fun and engaging format
  • Planned Parenthood– a wealth of sexual health resources and information for the whole family
  • Scarleteen– inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationship info for teens and emerging adults
  • Cyberwise– offers resources and information about digital citizenship, internet safety, security, privacy, cyberbullying, sexting, reputation management and more to help kids embrace technology safely and wisely
  • The Sexuality Resource Center for Parents– tools, tips and tricks for teaching children about human sexuality
  •  Birds + Bees + Kids– tips, blog posts and courses on sexual health education in families for parents and professionals
  • CondomFinder– locate organizations in your area that provide condoms and safe sex resources for free
  • Unhushed– comprehensive sex education curriculum that breaks through the social silence and stigma surrounding sexuality and invites youth and parents to engage in self-reflection, conversation and dialogue
  • The Porn Conversation– tools and resources for parents to teach the younger generation about porn
  • Colage– a national youth-driven network of people with LGBTQ parents offering workshops, conferences, resources and support for rainbow families
  • Gender Spectrum– a comprehensive collection of research, resources, and stories to help any parent, family member, or guardian learn more about gender diversity
  • The Trevor Project– crisis intervention services and supportive resources for LGBTQ+ youth and their families including a well-moderated social networking community called TrevorSpace for queer youth to connect with peers and get advice
  • RespectAbility– an organization fighting stigma and advancing opportunities for people with disabilities, including offering sex education resources for individuals, youth and families
  • Love is Respect– an organization with resources to empower youth to prevent and end dating abuse
  • Stay Teen– an online resource for sex education for youth and families
  • Our Whole Lives (OWL)– a comprehensive lifespan sexuality curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities
  • Bedsider- online birth control support and information network for women 18-29
  •– resource for online comprehensive sexual health information for teens and emerging adults
  • A Mighty Girl– large database of books, toys and movies to support girls’ healthy development and confidence
  • Texas Wears Condoms– a free resource for condoms and lube, shipped discretely and at no cost, to Texas residents
  • Talk With Your Kids– interactive tools and resources to support sexual health talks between adults and children across developmental stages
  • Teen Source– teen-friendly sexual health resources, blogs and information on sex, relationships, birth control, etc.